What can you do TODAY?
Many pastors are asking us, “When do you think we’ll be able to reopen our churches?” But that’s the wrong question. The question we need to be asking is, “How must the church change for a new normal?”
It will be too easy to go back to doing church the way we’ve always done church when we're safe to gather again. But if we do, we will have missed the opportunity of capitalizing on what God’s teaching us during this interruption. And—this present crisis is accelerating trends related to attendance, giving and engagement we saw emerging before it started.
In this episode, Tony and Amy share seven shifts we think pastors will need to begin leading now for their churches to thrive in the future.
For the full episode transcript, links mentioned during the show, and to download the Leader Conversation Guide, visit this episode's Show Notes at theunstuckgroup.com/episode142.
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